Saturday, 19 May 2012


I've had inspiration this week! I recently joined the Writers Victoria group. They send out e-mails and a six weekly magazine. I got an e-mail the other day with writing opportunities it in, competitions, magazines accepting submission etc. It had a publishing company that is accepting unsolicited manuscripts until the 31st of July. So I thought maybe I could get mine finished by then, it gives me a deadline something to work towards and that was my inspiration. I think I will get it done, but there is no guarantee that it will be accepted, far from it, I just needed the motivation to finish it instead of starting other projects (which I have been doing a lot). So I am in the third draft at chapter 10 (finished tonight) with another 17 chapters to go and then I'll look at the manuscript as a whole in paper form and see how it goes from there, with coloured pens and post it notes.

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